How to enable Autologon in Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008

Autologon in Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008 ( not recommended though on a server) as in any other version of Windows or even any other operating system allows a user to logon direct into his Windows desktop without having to enter the password. However, this can be possible for only one user on the and multiple user cannot have this feature enabled.

To enable Autologon in Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008,

1. Click Start, search for "control userpasswords2? and press enter.

2. Select the user from the list and uncheck "User must enter a user name and password to enter this computer" and click Apply and OK.

That should do. The next time, when you start the computer, you should be logged straight into your desktop.

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1 Response to "How to enable Autologon in Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008"

  1. Sergio Says:

    Look at this article How to Windows 7 autologon using registry, userpasswords2, Autologon.exe etc

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